Wednesday, May 5, 2010

To love and partake in any art form knows no barrier, be it of age, ethnicity, or any other demographic and personality factor. Nak seribu daya, tak mo sudah.

Credits to Cip Kadam Rezal and Kak Shikin for readily accepting one hella late bloomer (yours truly dah nak layu mengkudu pun) into the group. Not easy at all to train a relatively biologically old newbie with the voice of a "katak bentong" and the agility of a sloth. Payah dong!

Some first timers, others experienced, Dwi Durrah is a colourful cohort with individuals from different walks of life. Unity amidst diversity, truly.

4 months on since my accidental integration and 4 days more to the semis of Mega Perdana. And hopefully, many more ahead as part of the DwiDurbar family.

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