Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Vote Jgn Tak Jgn

VOTE jgn tak VOTE.... VOTE jgn tak jgn VOTE no: D2

Written by Dzar:
Le Dzar ( Muhammad Dzar Bin Ismail)
Hi beautiful people! Dzar here. The first episode of Anugerah Screen airs on 4th of May at 8.30pm. For those of you who have dikir barat training, train hard. Those with work commitments, work hard. Those schooling, study hard. But, there is one request I ask of you, and that is to VOTE HARD for NUMBER 2 even if you can't watch the show. I will post the instructions for voting soon. Wish me luck!

**LetZ suppOrt Durbar Dua's brother:
Abg Dzar/Muhammad Dzar (Creative Head)
Vote jgn tak VOTE No: (ANU 2)
sms to 73388 or call 1900-112-7702
Will be on Suria LIVE, 4th May 2010 Tuesday night! Make a date, 8:30pm Anugerah Skrin 2010.

Lines open till Friday 7th May, 6pm

Kepada Dzar,

Kami doakan yang terbaik buatmu. Buat lah yang terbaik kerna kami Dwi Durrah amat yakin dengan kemampuaanmu.

Kepada Dwi Durrah sayang,

Hari ini kita fight placing tau.... Datang well-prepared tau.


posted by Sally4everWLOVe @ 02.59pm

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