Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Written Wishes on Dwi Durrah 1st Birthday

Fifi Lisa
Happy Bday DWIsssssss!
23 April at 13:39
Mohd Iskandar
Selamat Potong Kek!
23 April at 14:00
Naz Nazri
happy bday dwi...keep on goin...more to come...so takde party ke, chalet ke makan2 ke...heheh
23 April at 14:04
Wiwik Julaiha
Happy Birthday Dwi Durrah! Slamat untuk MP yang mendatang...
23 April at 14:06
Dhiya' Dk
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DWI SISTERS!! ;) terima kasih Kak Shikin for including Dhiya' yang baru nak menapak ni, in this note :) semoga langkah-langkah Dwi Durrah & Dhiya' senentiasa' diberkati olehNya. and may this sisterhood berkekalan sampai bila-bila! Amin.. (:

ps. akan disampaikan salam kepada ahli-ahli Dhiya' yang lain :)

♥ Yang Mewakili Dhiya',
Farah Ja'affar :)
23 April at 16:40
Le Dzar
Congrats dwis!! moga moga berkekalan sehingga bila bila.. Vote untuk saya.. Kod number DUA.. Serious.. "2" mcm magic number uh
23 April at 23:57
Elfee Ismail Full'Acct
Hi to my lovely Dwi's.... Happy 1st Birthday to u guys..... to all of u, dun mention anything about the guidance as me, Rezal and Durbar Dua will always support all of u as we are 1 family..... To Hanom: Get ready FOR JUARA TUTION alrite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!
Sat at 04:06
Rezal Ramli
To All DWI"S!!! Happy 1 year anniversary!!! Hopefully there will be more years ahead.InsyaAllah.

What we went through in the beginning will all be experiance be it the good ones or bad ones.. Thank Allah that you gals lasted the beginning stages but remember there will be more to come to succeed..

Keep the spirits alive as it is right now !! The family bond is more important then anything else. In order to last we have to stick thick and thin together. worry less abt us the brothers, as long as you people are willing to fight the challenge, we will always be there supporting. Ignore your weakness, focus on your strength. DWI"S well being will always be in my heart. I promise!!

Lastly, lets rock on for the upcoming comp!! Whatever the result will be, the PARTY is gonna be awesome.. Stay tuned..
Yesterday at 11:29
Dwi Durrah would like to put our bodies on our "Thank You"

No one who achieves success does so without the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.

posted by Sally4everWLOVe @ 10.15am

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